Gerne würde ich meine Erkenntnisse sowie mein Wissen in diesen Bereichen weitergeben. In gemeinsamer Absprache mit ihren Vorstellungen und meinen Qualifikationen entwickeln wir ein Konzept, was sich mit Freude und Motivation zu ihren Zielen bringen wird.
Was mich dabei antreibt? Die fröhlichen Gesichter meiner Klient*innen, wenn sie ihre Ziele erreichen und realisieren, was alles in ihnen steckt!
Biagio De Sanctis2024-04-18Ho conosciuto Francesco via Facebook, contattato e subito avuto un appuntamento conoscitivo per valutare la mia situazione. Il primo appuntamento è stato conoscitivo ed ha effettuato una valutazione effettuando dei test per verificare la mia condizione. Ridotta mobilità in generale che non mi permetteva di allenarmi con tranquillità. Ho deciso di intraprendere un percorso con lui iniziato ad ottobre e terminato amarti. Passo dopo passo mi ha guidato, consigliandomi ed insegnandomi a svolgere degli esercizi mirati per migliorare la mia mobilità. I miglioramenti dopo qualche seduta erano tangibili. Alla fine del percorso ho raggiunto una migliore mobilità e consapevolezza nel svolgere al meglio i mie allenamenti. Persona seria, preparata e sempre disponibile. Capace di motivarti a dare sempre il meglio. Feedback costruttivi e sempre disponibile. Professionista e sicuramente da consigliare a chi magari ha bisogno di un lavoro mirato.
Sandra Goetz2023-08-21Francesco ist einfach klasse! Er hat eine sehr gute universitäre Sport-Ausbildung und den richtigen Blick für das, was wichtig ist, wenn man mit Beschwerden zu ihm kommt. Bei mir war es ein Knieproblem/Meniskus, das ich nach einem Fahrradunfall h hatte. Er stellt ein gutes, individuelles Programm zusammen und ist sehr motivierend. Außerdem werden, wenn man bei der Sache bleibt, ziemlich schnell gute Ergebnisse erzielt. Danke, Francesco!
Jana Blanck2023-07-27Very effective lessons with a reliable coach!
Vuong Giang2021-12-09I really enjoyed my few weeks training with Francesco. I have to say I found him extremely supportive and really helped me push myself to work harder and improve myself. He also shows me how to perform each exercise correctly. I would highly recommend Francesco to everyone. Thanks for all your help Francesco ! 😊😄
Jedida Ravindran2021-12-07I always look forward to my sessions with Francesco. He's a fantastic trainer, really knowledgeable, attentive and flexible. He focuses on making sure you get the techniques right and are training safely. He gives just the right amount of push out of my comfort zone, and leaves me super exhausted but really fulfilled after each session. Would totally recommend him!
Vladimir Balnaev2021-12-01Francesco is a great trainer. Always patient and ready to explain properly which I find really important. A good knowledge in what he's teaching provides a visible results! Definitely would recommend you to workout with him!
I always look forward to my sessions with Francesco. He's a fantastic trainer, really knowledgeable, attentive and flexible. He focuses on making sure you get the techniques right and are training safely. He gives just the right amount of push out of my comfort zone, and leaves me super exhausted but really fulfilled after each session. Would totally recommend him!
Francesco is a great trainer. Always patient and ready to explain properly which I find really important. A good knowledge in what he's teaching provides a visible results! Definitely would recommend you to workout with him!
I really enjoyed my few weeks training with Francesco. I have to say I found him extremely supportive and really helped me push myself to work harder and improve myself. He also shows me how to perform each exercise correctly. I would highly recommend Francesco to everyone. Thanks for all your help Francesco ! 😊😄
Jedida Ravindran